Organising Committee
Comité d’organisation
Marc Allain (Aix-Marseille Université)
Moritz Frewein (Aix-Marseille Université)
Tilman Grünewald (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université)
Martine Pithioux (CNRS, Aix-Marseille Université)
Sandrine Roffino (Université Côte d’Azur)
To stimulate discussion and encourage intergroup exchange, the TexTOM workshop will be an on-site event only. Due to logistical reasons, a total of 50 spots are available.
Thanks to the generous contribution of our sponsors, we can waiver the registration fees and offer accommodation on-site for a limited amount of people.
These options include mostly double rooms and a few single rooms. Please indicate during your registration your housing preferences during registration, keeping in mind that mostly double rooms are available. Once housing options are exhausted, participants are required to organize off-site accommodation by themselves. Preference will be given to early-stage researchers.
The properties of heterogenous materials are governed by the arrangement of their nanoscale constituents. This is especially true for hierarchically organized biomaterials such as bone, tendon, wood but also for technical materials such as steel, concrete or ceramics.
In particular, the understanding of orientations in 3D is a key factor to predict the physical properties of current materials, model their properties more faithfully and to propose ways to improve future materials for fields such as medicine, energy storage, composite structures or low carbon construction materials.
The aim of this workshop is to assemble the communities of Material Scientists, Physicists and Mathematicians working on methods to determine orientation distributions on the nano- and crystal scale in 2D and 3D, and to stimulate a discussion on existing techniques, their computational limitations and ways to improve them, with a particular focus on their mathematical underpinnings.
The workshop consists of two parts: On Monday, 10.2. we provide a hands-on tutorial, reviewing the basics of crystallography, data acquisition and instruct on the use of the TexTOM software package.
The following two days are dedicated to a mini-conference around the topic of tensor and Texture tomography, and hierarchical organization. It aims at bringing together the emerging user community, creating a platform to exchange ideas and thoughts, and to foster collaborations across the community. The workshop will consist of a combination of talks, an extended Poster session and a dinner in the relaxed atmosphere of the CIRM in the heart of the Calanque national park.
Henrik Birkedal (Aarhus University, Denmark), Biomaterials and their hierarchical structure
Marianne Liebi (EPFL Lausanne/Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland), Algorithmic developments
Can Yildrim (ESRF, Grenoble), Material Science and Modelling