7th Summer School of the Institute for Language, Communication and the Brain
7ème École d’été de l’Institut « Language, Communication and the Brain »
26 – 30 August 2024
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation
Philippe Blache (CNRS – LPL, AMU)
Nadéra Bureau (ILCB & AMU)
Jean-Marc Freyermuth (CNRS – I2M, AMU)
Adrien Meguerditchian (CNRS – CRPN, AMU)
Lilia Mena (ILCB & AMU)
Chotiga Pattamadilok (CNRS – LPL, AMU)
Caterina Petrone (CNRS – LPL, AMU)
Arnaud Rey (CNRS – CRPN, AMU)
Thomas Schatz (CNRS – LIS, AMU)
Etienne Thoret (CNRS – INT, AMU)
Johannes Ziegler (CNRS – CRPN, ILCB AMU)
For more information:
The ILCB brings together experts in linguistics, neuroscience, psychology, medicine and computer science to understand and in order to model language.
The objective of the Institute is to create a generic model of language processing and its cerebral bases.
The 7th ILCB Summer School offers Introductory and Advanced Classes in four core fields of Cognitive Science, reflecting the expertise of the Institute:
- Applied mathematics, statistics and networks;
- Neuroscience and behavior;
- Language and cognition;
- Computer science and Machine learning;
- Explore the complete program and course schedule.
Keynotes and social events complete this week of immersion.
L’ILCB réunit des experts en linguistique, neurosciences, psychologie, médecine et informatique pour comprendre et modéliser le langage.
L’objectif de l’Institut est de créer un modèle générique du traitement du langage et de ses bases cérébrales.
La 7ème école d’été de l’ILCB propose des cours d’introduction et avancés dans quatre domaines fondamentaux des sciences cognitives, reflétant l’expertise de l’Institut :
- Mathématiques appliquées, statistiques et réseaux ;
- Neurosciences et comportement ;
- Langage et cognition ;
- Informatique et apprentissage automatique.;
- Découvrez le programme complet et le calendrier des cours.
Des conférences et des événements sociaux complètent cette semaine d’immersion.
Thanks to funding from ILCB, participation in our courses is entirely free of charge.
Non-ILCB members are responsible for covering travel, accommodation, and meal expenses.
Due to limited availability, admission to our summer school is competitive. To apply, please fill out the application form and provide details about your background and reasons for attending.
Application Deadline: Friday, May 24, anywhere on Earth.
In May, our summer school organizing committee will review applications to determine eligibility. Successful applicants will receive confirmation of acceptance in June, along with instructions for confirming participation through the CIRM website.
Registration Deadline: [Information coming soon]
Accommodation & Meals:
Limited full-board accommodation (including breakfast, lunch, and dinner) is available at the CIRM for selected participants. Consult the CIRM rates here.
You can indicate your interest in CIRM accommodation on the application form. Detailed information about room reservations will be provided upon acceptance.
Alternative accommodation options are plentiful in Marseille for those not staying at the CIRM.
For any inquiries, please contact us at