Shapes and shades of Analysis: in depth and beyond
Formes et nuances de l’analyse moderne

29 April – 3 May, 2024

Scientific Committee 
Comité scientifique 

Ilia Binder (University of Toronto)
Karim Kellay (Université de Bordeaux)
Eugenia Malinnikova (Standford University)
Mikhail Sodin (Tel Aviv University)

Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation

Evgeny Abakumov (Université Gustave Eiffel)
Stéphane Charpentier (Aix-Marseille Université)
Sophie Grivaux (CNRS, Université de Lille)
Stanislav Kupin (Université de Bordeaux)
Yuri Tomilov (Polish Academy of Sciences)
Rachid Zarouf (Aix-Marseille Université)

The aim of the conference is to cover recent developments in complex and harmonic analysis and related areas, and to celebrate the 60th birthday of our friend and colleague Alexander Borichev.

The conference will cover a wide range of active domains of Analysis and related fields. A sample of topics include (but not restricted to): spaces of holomorphic functions and their operators, invariant subspace theory, model theory, cyclicity phenomena, spectral analysis and synthesis problems, bases and frames, entire functions, harmonic measures and conformal mappings, random holomorphic functions, operators of harmonic analysis, applications of analysis in partial differential equations, probability theory, and mathematical physics. Our meeting will underline a number of recent advances in analysis and highlight promising directions
of research.

L’objectif de la conférence est de présenter les développements récents majeurs en analyse complexe et harmonique, et dans les thématiques connexes, et de célébrer les 60 ans de notre ami et collègue Alexander Borichev.

Le colloque couvrira une variété de domaines actifs relevant de l’analyse au sens large. Voici un aperçu non-exhaustif des sujets qui pourront être abordés: espaces de fonctions holomorphes et leurs opérateurs, théorie du sous-espace invariant, théorie des espaces modèles, phénomènes de cyclicité, analyse spectrale et problème de synthèse, bases et frames, fonctions entières, mesures harmoniques et applications conformes, fonctions holomorphes aléatoires, opérateurs en analyse harmonique, applications de l’analyse à la théorie des équations aux dérivées partielles, des probabilités et de la physique mathématique. La conférence mettra en lumière de nombreuses avancées récentes en analyse et des directions de recherche prometteuses.


Alexandru  Aleman (Lund University)  Invariant subspaces of generalized differentiation and Volterra operators
Anton Baranov (St. Petersburg University)     Geometry of reproducing kernels in Hilbert spaces of analytic functions
Roman Bessonov (St.Petersburg University)  Stability properties of Schur’s algorithm for analytic functions
Dmitry Chelkak (University of Michigan) Ising model on planar graphs, discrete surfaces in R2,1, and generalized analytic functions
Konstantin Dyakonov (ICREA, University of Barcelona)  Extremal problems in BMO and VMO involving the Garsia norm
Omar El-Fallah (Mohammed V University in Rabat)  Extremal functions of Dirichlet spaces
Adi Glücksam (Northwestern University)  Multi-fractal spectrum of planar harmonic measure
Andreas Hartmann (Université de Bordeaux)  An analytic approach to estimating the solutions of Bézout’s polynomial identity
Håkan Hedenmalm (Royal Institute of Technology)  Hyperbolic Fourier series and the Klein-Gordon equation
Karine Isambard (Aix-Marseille Université) Fourier coefficients of powers of a finite Blaschke product and application to Schäffer’s question
Philippe Jaming (Université de Bordeaux)  Lower bounds of L1 norms of non-harmonic trigonometric polynomials
Avner Kiro (Horizon Rock Development)  Integer-valued polynomials satisfying a growth constraint
Anna Kononova (Tel Aviv University)  Zero sets with random arguments for Fock-type spaces
Alexei Kulikov (Tel Aviv University)  Time-frequency localization operator and its eigenvalues
Yulia Kuznetsova (Université de Franche-Comté)  Invariant means on quantum weakly almost periodic compactifications
Adem Limani (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)  The shift operator in the Bloch space
Nikolai Makarov (California Institute of Technology)  Faber transform
Artur Nicolau (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)  Analytic Mappings of the unit disk which almost preserve hyperbolic area
Nikolai Nikolski (Universié de Bordeaux)  Schatten classes of Sobolev embeddings, and how fast oscillate L2 bases?
Alon Nishry (Tel Aviv University)  The range of unbounded random analytic functions in the unit disk
Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà (University of Barcelona)  Linear statistics of determinantal point processes and norm representations
Polina Perstneva (Université Paris-Saclay)   Counterexamples to the typical behaviour of elliptic measures on planar domains
Alexei Poltoratski(University of Wisconsin)  Pointwise convergence of the non-linear Fourier transform
Alexander Pushnitski (King’s College London)  A Borg-Marchenko type uniqueness theorem for complex potentials
Eero Saksman (University of Helsinki)  Approximation in the Zygmund and Hölder classes
Kristian Seip (Norwegian University of Science and technology)  The norm of the backward shift operator on H1 is 2 / √ 3
Stanislav Smirnov  (Université de Genève)   Coulomb gas, lattice models and potential theory
Mikhail Sodin (Tel Aviv University)  Sasha Borichev (a short sketch)
Pascal Thomas (Université Paul-Sabatier Toulouse)  Sharp Invertibility in Quotient Algebras of H∞
Sergei Treil (Brown University)  The matrix A2 conjecture fails, or 3/2 > 1
Ioann Vasilyev (CY Cergy Paris Université)  The Beurling and Malliavin Multiplier Theorem in Several Dimensions
Alexander Volberg (Michigan State University, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics)  Quantum and classical low degree learning via a dimension-free Remez inequality
Brett Wick (Washington University in Saint Louis)  The compactness of multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators
Harald Woracek (Vienna University of Technology) Universality limits for power bounded measures