November 30 – December 4, 2015
- Alex Amenta (Australian National University / Universite Paris-Sud)
Interpolation and embeddings of weighted tent spaces (pdf)
- Cédric Arhancet (Université de Franche-Comté)
Semi-groupes d’operateurs et OK-convexite (pdf)
- Marwa Banna (Télécom ParisTech)
Universality of the limiting spectral distribution for matrices with correlated entries (pdf)
- Anton Baranov (Saint Petersburg State University)
A short proof of the Gap Theorem for separated sequences (pdf)
- Laurent Baratchart (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
Rational approximation to functions with polar singular set (pdf)
- Aline Bonami (Université d’Orléans)
Fourier mulipliers of the homogeneous Sobolev space W1,1 (pdf)
- Clément Coine (Université de Franche-Comté)
An application of Schur multipliers to a problem of perturbation (pdf)
- Michal Doucha (Université de Franche-Comté)
Some results on the structure of Lipschitz-free spaces (pdf)
- Evgenii Dubtsov (Steklov Mathematical Institute, RAS)
Tropical power series and holomorphic approximation on the complex plane (pdf)
- Jean Esterle (Université Bordeaux 1)
Cosine families close to bounded scalar cosine families (pdf)
- Konstantin Fedorovskiy (Bauman Moscow State Technical University & St. Petersburg State University)
Approximative properties of polyanalytic polynomial modules (pdf)
- Karl Grosse-Erdmann (Université de Mons)
Upper frequent hypercyclicity, and related notions (pdf)
- Andreas Hartmann (Université Bordeaux)
Multiple sampling and interpolation in the Fock space (pdf)
- Hubert Klaja (Université Laval, Québec)
Non-commutativity of the exponential spectrum (pdf)
- Christoph Kriegler (Université Clermont-Ferrand)
Decomposable Schur multipliers and non-commutative Fourier multipliers (pdf)
- Stanislas Kupin (Université de Bordeaux)
On zeros of holomorphic functions from certain classes and applications to Lieb-Thirring inequalities (pdf)
- Pascal Lefèvre (Université d’Artois)
Absolutely summing composition operators on Hp spaces (pdf)
- Eugenia Malinnikova (NTNU, Trondheim)
Uniqueness for discrete Schrodinger evolutions (pdf)
- El Maati Ouhabaz (Université Bordeaux 1)
Spectral multipliers for abstract self-adjoint operators: a review of some recent results (pdf)
- Gilles Pisier (UPMC-Paris 6 & Texas A&M University)
The non-commutative Khintchine inequalities in Lp, 0 < p 2 (pdf)
- Sandra Pott (Lund University)
Matrix Weights: On the Way to the Linear Bound (pdf)
- Tony Procházka (Université de Franche-Comté)
Szlenk indices of convex hulls (pdf)
- Stéphane Rigat (Aix-Marseille Université)
Fokas Method applied on Boundary Value Problems for axisymmetric potentials (pdf)
- Rishika Rupam (Universite Lille 1)
Inner Functions and Inverse Spectral theory (pdf)
- Valentin Samoyeau (Université de Nantes)
Dispersive inequalities via heat semigroup (pdf)
- Elisabeth Strouse (Université Bordeaux)
Mixed Commutators vs Mixed BMO (pdf)
- Simeng Wang (Université de Franche-Comté)
Lacunary Fouri
er series for compact quantum groups (pdf)
- Runlian Xia (Universite de Franche-Comté)
Operator-valued local Hardy spaces (pdf)
- Quanhua Xu (Université de Franche-Comté)
Function spaces on quantum tori (pdf)
- Pierre Youssef (Université Paris-Diderot)
Bernstein inequality: non-commutative setting and dependence (pdf)