Mathematical Perspectives in the Biology and Therapeutics of Cancer
Perspectives mathématiques en biologie et thérapie du cancer
9 – 13 July 2018
Please note that we only have a limited number of places!
If your pre-registration is validated, you will receive further instructions for the payment of registration fees.
Early payment (before 31 March 2018)
PhD students or Post-doc fellows: 100 €. Academics: 200 €. Non academics: 300 €.
Late payment (After 1 April 2018)
PhD students or Post-doc fellows: 200 €. Academics: 300 €. Non academics: 450 €.
Payment instructions : you can pay by credit card or Bank transfer (only for French participants)
- Step 1 : Pre-register on the site:
Conference Reference : MATHSCANCER_2018
Warning : this is a separate pre-registration that will be validated more or less « immediately » if you are already registered with CIRM.
- Step 2 : Follow the instructions sent by email for the payment
If you encounter any problem, please contact the organizers: