International Conference Dynamic, Games and Science
Conférence Internationale Dynamique, Jeux et Science
3 – 7 June 2019
Comité scientifique & Comité d’organisation
João Paulo Pais de Almeida (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança)
Michel Benaim (Université de Neuchâtel)
Pénélope Hernandez (University of Valencia)
Josef Hofbauer (University of Vienna)
Emma Moreno-Garcia (University of Salamanca)
Alberto Adrego Pinto (University of Porto)
Following the previous editions (2008, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017) of the DGS series, the 2019 edition of the International Conference Dynamics Games and Science DGS 2019 aims to bring together world top researchers and practitioners addressing current trends of research on the fields of Dynamical Systems, Game Theory, Mathematical Finance, Optimization, Stochastic Optimal Control and its applications to such areas as Biology, Economics, Engineering, Energy, Natural Resources and Social Sciences.
The 2019 edition of DGS will constitute an excellent opportunity for MSc and PhD students and researchers to meet other experts in their fields of knowledge and to discuss and develop new frameworks and ideas to further improve knowledge and science. The conference will feature plenary lectures by prominent keynote speakers, as well as thematic sessions running in parallel that will address issues related to the main theme of the conference. |
Suivant les éditions précédentes (2008, 2013, 2014, 2016 et 2017) de la série DGS, l’édition 2019 de la International Conference Dynamics, Games and Science DGS 2019 vise à rassembler des chercheurs et des praticiens de premier plan sur les tendances actuelles de la recherche sur les champs la Théorie des Systèmes Dynamiques, de la Théorie des Jeux, des Mathématiques financières, de l’Optimisation, du Contrôle Optimal Stochastique et de ses applications dans les domaines tels que la Biologie, l’Economie, l’Energie, les Ressources Naturelles et les Sciences Sociales.
L’édition 2019 de DGS constituera une excellente occasion pour les étudiants, de master et de doctorat, et les chercheurs de rencontrer d’autres experts dans leurs domaines de connaissances et de discuter et développer de nouveaux cadres et idées pour élargir les connaissances et la science. La conférence comportera des conférences plénières par des chercheurs éminents , ainsi que des sessions thématiques en parallèle qui aborderont les questions liées au thème principal de la conférence. |
Elvio Accinelli (Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí) Nash Equilibrium in Evolutionary Competitive Models of Firms and Workers under External Regulation
Alberto A. Álvarez-López (UNED, Spain) A general model of decision under linear uncertainty
Uri Ascher (University of British Columbia, Canada) Discrete processes and their continuous limits
André Casjus (HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management)
Stéphane Gaubert (INRIA, Saclay-Île-de-France) Nonarchimedean Convex Programming and Its Relation to Mean-Payoff Games
Penélope Hernández (University of Valencia, Spain) How Bayesian Persuasion can Help Reduce Illegal Parking and Other Socially Undesirable Behavior
Saang Kim (Yonsei University)
Filipe Martins (LIAAD-INESC TEC and University of Porto) Adaptive dynamics of the Maskin-Baliga model of contribution for a public/common good
Bruno M P M Oliveira (FCNA-Universidade Porto & LIAAD-INESC TEC) Uncertainty in the production costs in a duopoly with investment in R&D
Abdellah Ouammou (Université Hassan 1er de Settat) A dynamic programming approach to manage virtual machines allocation in cloud computing
Christina Pawlowitsch (Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris 2) Costly Signals: Rationality and Evolution
Alberto Adrego Pinto (University of Porto) An Evolutionary Dynamical Model For Corruption Cycles In Democratic States
Emel Savku (Ecole Polytechnique, CMAP) Stochastic Differential Games of Optimal Portfolio Strategies with Regime-Switches
Renato Soeiro (LIAAD-INESC TEC and University of Porto) Pure price duopoly equilibria for atomic distributions of consumer preferences
Jorge Zubelli (IMPA, Brasil) Welfare Balanced International Trade Agreements