Representation Theory, Mathematical Physics and Integrable Systems
Théorie des représentations, physique mathématique et systèmes intégrables
4 – 8 June 2018
Scientific Committee
Comité scientifique Anton Alekseev (Université de Genève) |
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation Milen Yakimov (Louisiana State University) |
This conference will cover the latest developments on the interface of noncommutative algebra, differential and algebraic geometry, and perspectives arising from physics. These connections have proven numerous in recent decades, leading to advances like the development of new and powerful knot invariants, new perspectives on enumerative geometry and string theory, and the introduction of cluster algebra and categorification techniques into a broad range of areas. These interactions mean that the speakers will span a number of areas of math, not often brought together in conference, while maintaining a clear theme. We are strongly committed to giving a diverse group of younger mathematicians an opportunity to speak on their results. We intend for the conference to enable fruitful interaction between researchers with different perspectives: from math and from physics, from algebra and from geometry. Having the conference at CIRM will bring together renowned specialists from around the world in these areas to interact with younger researchers, especially from France and more generally the EU and encourage informal interactions, leading to cross-fertilization. The conference will also mark the 60th birthday of the celebrated mathematician Nicolai Reshetikhin whose profound contributions revolutionized these subjects.
Cette conférence couvrira les derniers développements sur les interfaces entre l’algèbre non commutative, la géométrie algébrique et différentielle, et les perspectives provenant de la physique. Les travaux de ces dernières décennies ont montré que ces relations sont très nombreuses, et ont conduit a des avancées profondes, telles que le développement de nouveaux invariants de noeuds très puissants, de nouvelles perspectives en géométrie énumérative et en théorie des cordes, l’introduction des algèbres amassées et des techniques de catégorification dans un vaste champ de domaines. Du fait de ces interactions, les conférenciers couvriront un nombre important de domaines des mathématiques qui ne sont pas habituellement rassemblés au cours d’une même conférence, tout en préservant une direction claire. Nous sommes très attachés à l’idée de donner à de jeunes mathématiciens l’opportunité de présenter leurs travaux. Nous espérons que la conférence permettra d’engendrer des interactions fructueuses entre chercheurs d’origines différentes: mathématique et physique, algèbre et géométrie. La tenue de la conférence permettra de faire interagir des spécialistes de renommée internationale de ces domaines avec de jeunes chercheurs venant en particulier de France et d’Europe, et encouragera les interactions informelles, conduisant a une fertilisation croisée. La conférence marquera le 60ème anniversaire du célèbre mathématicien Nicolai Reshetikhin, dont les contributions profondes ont révolutionné ces sujets.
Alberto S. Cattaneo (Universität Zürich) An Introduction to the BV-BFV Formalism (pdf) – VIDEO –
Kai-Chieh Chen (University of California, Berkeley) Kashaev-Reshetikhin Invariant and Some Conjectures
Qingtao Chen (ETH, Zurich) Asymptotics of quantum 6j symbols evaluated at a (non-conventional) root of unity
Philippe Di Francesco (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Paths and Arctic Curves: the Tangent Method at work (pdf)
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen (Aarhus University) Geometric Recursion – VIDEO –
László Fehér (University of Szeged) Action-angle duality for a Poisson-Lie deformation of the BC(n) Sutherland system (pdf)
Nathan Geer (Utah State University) Holonomy braidings, biquandles and quantum invariants of links with SL2C flat connections (pdf)
Theo Johnson-Freyd (Perimeter Institute) T-duality for finite groups
Victor Kac (MIT) Integrable Hamiltonian partial differential and difference equations and related algebraic structures (pdf)
Rinat Kashaev (Université de Genève) The spectral problem of the modular oscillator in the strongly coupled regimes
David Keating (University of California) Random Tilings with the GPU (pdf)
Rinat Kedem (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) From completeness of Bethe ansatz to quantum Q systems
Jiang-Hua Lu (The University of Hong Kong) Total positivity and Poisson cluster structures on shifted big cells in flag varieties
Olya Mandelshtam (University of California, Berkeley) Combinatorics of the ASEP on a ring and Macdonald polynomials (pdf)
Sevak Mkrtchyan (University of Rochester) The point processes at turning points of large lozenge tilings (pdf)
Gus Schrader (Columbia University) Cluster structure of the quantum Coxeter-Toda system (pdf)
Michel Semenov-Tian-Shansky (Université de Bourgogne) Scattering theory, Riemann hypothesis and Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces (pdf)
Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) Capelli eigenvalue problem for Lie superalgebras and supersymmetric polynomials (pdf) – VIDEO –
Alexander Shapiro (University of Toronto) Modular functor and positive representations
Fedor Smirnov (Université Paris 6, LPTHE, Jussieu) Quantum group invariance in integrable QFT – VIDEO –
Jasper Stokman (University of Amsterdam) Vector-valued Harish-Chandra series and boundary KZB equations (pdf)
Catharina Stroppel (University of Bonne) Quantum cohomology of Grassmannians via R-matrices and integrable systems
Peter Tingley (Loyola University, Chicago) Crystal combinatorics from Lusztig’s PBW bases (pdf)
Harold Williams (University of Texas at Austin) The coherent Satake category
Kai-Chieh Chen (University of California, Berkeley) Kashaev-Reshetikhin Invariant and Some Conjectures
Qingtao Chen (ETH, Zurich) Asymptotics of quantum 6j symbols evaluated at a (non-conventional) root of unity
Philippe Di Francesco (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Paths and Arctic Curves: the Tangent Method at work (pdf)
Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen (Aarhus University) Geometric Recursion – VIDEO –
László Fehér (University of Szeged) Action-angle duality for a Poisson-Lie deformation of the BC(n) Sutherland system (pdf)
Nathan Geer (Utah State University) Holonomy braidings, biquandles and quantum invariants of links with SL2C flat connections (pdf)
Theo Johnson-Freyd (Perimeter Institute) T-duality for finite groups
Victor Kac (MIT) Integrable Hamiltonian partial differential and difference equations and related algebraic structures (pdf)
Rinat Kashaev (Université de Genève) The spectral problem of the modular oscillator in the strongly coupled regimes
David Keating (University of California) Random Tilings with the GPU (pdf)
Rinat Kedem (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) From completeness of Bethe ansatz to quantum Q systems
Jiang-Hua Lu (The University of Hong Kong) Total positivity and Poisson cluster structures on shifted big cells in flag varieties
Olya Mandelshtam (University of California, Berkeley) Combinatorics of the ASEP on a ring and Macdonald polynomials (pdf)
Sevak Mkrtchyan (University of Rochester) The point processes at turning points of large lozenge tilings (pdf)
Gus Schrader (Columbia University) Cluster structure of the quantum Coxeter-Toda system (pdf)
Michel Semenov-Tian-Shansky (Université de Bourgogne) Scattering theory, Riemann hypothesis and Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces (pdf)
Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) Capelli eigenvalue problem for Lie superalgebras and supersymmetric polynomials (pdf) – VIDEO –
Alexander Shapiro (University of Toronto) Modular functor and positive representations
Fedor Smirnov (Université Paris 6, LPTHE, Jussieu) Quantum group invariance in integrable QFT – VIDEO –
Jasper Stokman (University of Amsterdam) Vector-valued Harish-Chandra series and boundary KZB equations (pdf)
Catharina Stroppel (University of Bonne) Quantum cohomology of Grassmannians via R-matrices and integrable systems
Peter Tingley (Loyola University, Chicago) Crystal combinatorics from Lusztig’s PBW bases (pdf)
Harold Williams (University of Texas at Austin) The coherent Satake category