CIMPA-ICTP Fellowships "Research in Pairs"
An Introduction to Inverse Problems
15 – 18 July, 2025
Real Rommel (University of the Philippines Mindanao)
Participate in the CIMPA-ICTP online course
The course will be given in English on zoom.
This is a recurrent meeting, so please register only once for all 4 sessions:
The course will take place on the following days (Paris time zone):
- Tuesday 15 July: 2pm – 4pm
- Wednesday 16 July: 2pm – 4pm
- Thursday 17 July: 2pm – 4pm
- Friday 18 July: 2pm – 4pm
Abstract: Inverse problems aim to solve the parameters given an observed or desired effect. These problems often lead to
mathematical models that are inherently ill-posed in Hadamard’s sense. In many inverse problems, exact data are not
available, instead, only noisy data are available. Hence, to obtain stable approximate solutions, regularization is used. In this
course we introduce some basic mathematical background to study ill-posed linear inverse problems necessary to study the
convergence of two classic regularization methods, Tikhonov regularization and the Landweber iteration
Domain : #Inverse Problems #Regularization
MSC : 65J20
Keywords : #inverse problems, #regularization, #Tikhonov, #Landweber