Scientific Committee
Comité scientifique
Éric Cancès (École des Ponts ParisTech)
Shi Jin (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
Elham Kashefi (Univ. Edinburgh and CNRS)
Tanja Lange (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
Lin Lin (UC Berkeley)
Yvon Maday (Sorbonne Université)
Sauro Succi (Italian Institute of Technology at La Sapienza, Roma)
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation
Karim Azoum (Centre de compétence CC-FR, Teratec)
Igor Chollet (LAGA, Sorbonne Université Paris Nord)
Guillaume Delay (LJLL, Sorbonne Université & Inria)
Mi-Song Dupuy (LJLL, Sorbonne Université)
Benoit Fabrèges (Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
Cindy Guichard (LJLL, Sorbonne Université & Inria)
Marie Lhande Pincemin (Centre de compétence CC-FR, Teratec)
Ludovic Perret (LIP6, Sorbonne Université)
Marie Postel (LJLL, Sorbonne Université)
Olivier Ruatta (XLIM, Université Limoges)
Pascal Tremblin (CEA & Maison de la Simulation)
The principle of this event, organised by SMAI (Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles) relies on strong industrial partnerships and has a two-period structure: the first phase consists of one week of lectures (July 15 to 19), and the second of a five-week period of project-based research. During the second phase, each participant works in a team on a collaborative research project proposed either by an industrial company or an academic team. Teams are made up of 2 or 3 young researchers, supervised by one or two experienced researchers provided by the company or academic team which proposed the project. The program includes:
- 1 week summer school (July 15-19)
- 5 weeks Hackathon / Projects on projects proposed by academic scientists and/or industrial partners (July 21 – August 22)
About Quantum Computing
CEMRACS 2025 is dedicated to quantum computing, focusing on training students in the ideal quantum computer framework and its associated algorithms, such as those for number search, prime factorization, phase estimation, and solving linear systems. The proposal also plans to address the limitations of quantum computing, including error management. Two main application areas with common algorithmic tools are highlighted:
- Explore the potential of quantum computing in scientific computations, including the adaptation and performance gains of existing algorithms in a quantum framework. This application is part of the France Hybrid HPC Quantum Initiative (HQI)
- Quantum cryptography: given the effectiveness of quantum algorithms in cryptography, this area focuses on the need to develop new encryption methods for the post-quantum era. The active community in this field will contribute to CEMRACS
Summer school
This summer school focused on the bascis of quantum computer applied to various fields in sientific computation and cryptography. it aims to provide a basis knowledge for the participants that will remain on the next 5 weeks working on dedicated projects. The typical work day will consist in four one-hour-and-a-half sessions, starting at 9am, 10:45am, 2pm and 4pm. The last session may last for two hours if necessary. Each slot will be dedicated either to a classical lecture, a shorter presentation or to a computational practice session.
Tuesday 15/07 | Wednesday 16/07 | Thursday 17/07 | Friday 18/07 | Saturday 19/07 | |
09:00 – 10:30 | |||||
10:30 – 10:45 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
10:45 – 12:15 | |||||
12:15 – 14:00 | lunch break | lunch break | lunch break | lunch break | lunch break |
14:00 – 15:00 | |||||
15:00 – 15:30 | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break | coffee break |
15:30 – 17:30 |
to be announced