Combinatorics, Automata, and Number Theory (CANT)
Ecole-conférence de Combinatoire, d’Automates et de Théorie des Nombres (CANT)

29 September – 3rd October, 2025

Scientific Committee 
Comité scientifique 

Boris Adamcezwski (CNRS, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
Valérie Berthé (CNRS, IRIF, Université Paris Cité)
Michael Drmota (TU Wien)
Edita Pelantová (Czech Technical University Prague)
Narad Rampersad (University of Winnipeg)
Michel Rigo (University of Liège)
Manon Stipulanti (University of Liège)
Reem Yassawi (Queen Mary University of London)

Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation

Valérie Berthé (CNRS, IRIF, Université Paris Cité)
Michel Rigo (University of Liège)
Manon Stipulanti (University of Liège)

Each topic will be covered by a 3-hour lecture.
Contributed talks consist in 30-minute presentations.
A poster session will be organized during the week.

IMPORTANT WARNING:  Scam / Phishing / SMiShing ! Note that ill-intentioned people may be trying to contact some of participants by email or phone to get money and personal details, by pretending to be part of the staff of our conference center (CIRM).  CIRM and the organizers will NEVER contact you by phone on this issue and will NEVER ask you to pay for accommodation/ board / possible registration fee in advance. Any due payment will be taken onsite at CIRM during your stay.

From 29th September 2025 to 3rd October 2025, the 5th edition of the successful CANT school will take place at CIRM in Marseille, France. CANT is an acronym for Combinatorics, Automata, and Number Theory. The first two editions of the school were held in Liège (Belgium) in 2006 and 2009 while the last two editions both took place at CIRM in 2012 and 2016. 
CANT is meant to be an international school and an international conference at the same time. To reach these complementary goals, the symposium is structured around six lectures supplemented by short presentations, a poster session, and time for scientific collaboration. The complementarity of CANT is one of its strengths: we have at heart to invest in the training of PhD students and young researchers as well as welcome « senior » researchers from the field.
The (local) webpage of the event is Details on how to register, how to ask for financial support, and how to submit a presentation/poster can be found there. 
Du 29 septembre 2025 au 3 octobre 2025, la 5ème édition de l’école CANT aura lieu au CIRM à Marseille, France. CANT est un acronyme pour Combinatoire, Automates et Théorie des nombres. Les deux premières éditions de l’école se sont tenues à Liège (Belgique) en 2006 et 2009, tandis que les deux dernières éditions ont eu lieu au CIRM en 2012 et 2016. Le CANT se veut à la fois une école internationale et une conférence internationale. Pour atteindre ces objectifs complémentaires, le symposium est structuré autour de six conférences complétées par de courtes présentations, une session de posters et du temps pour la collaboration scientifique. La complémentarité du CANT est l’une de ses forces : nous avons à cœur d’investir dans la formation des doctorants et des jeunes chercheurs tout en accueillant des chercheurs « seniors » du domaine. La page web (locale) de l’événement est Vous y trouverez des détails sur la manière de s’inscrire, de demander un soutien financier et de soumettre une présentation ou un poster.


France Gheeraert (Université Picardie Jules Vernes):  Dendric and eventually dendric words

Abstract: Introduced a decade ago by Berthé et al., dendric words include codings of regular interval exchange transformations and strict episturmian words, two majorly studied generalizations of Sturmian words. Eventual dendricity was later defined by Dolce and Perrin as the natural dynamical closure of dendricity. Both properties limit the behavior of letters surrounding finite words and induce combinatorial restrictions such as (eventually) affine factor complexity. In this course, we survey some of the known properties of dendric and eventually dendric words, especially those related to return words.

Abstract: The aim of this course is to present the interplay between symbolic dynamics and profinite semigroup theory, highlighting a diversity of viewpoints: algebraic, combinatorial, and dynamical. The exposition will be divided in three parts. The first consists in an introduction to the theory of profinite semigroups, including some elements of general structure theory. A special emphasis is put on free profinite monoids in connection with automata theory. The second part centers around a key theorem of Almeida which links minimal shift spaces to the structure of free profinite monoids, via the topological closure of uniformly recurrent languages. As an interesting byproduct, Almeida’s theorem provides profinite conjugacy invariants for minimal shift spaces. The third and final part of the course further explores specific aspects of the topic, for instance in relation with return words or bifix codes.

Abstract: Regular sequences — introduced by Allouche and Shallit in 1992 — are a framework to represent sequences. They can be specified by matrix products related to the digit expansions of the arguments. They are closely related to Rational Series as introduced by Berstel and Reutenauer in 1988. A prototypical example is the sum of digits function. In this course, we cover their definition and properties, provide details on some examples, discuss asymptotic results, and selected details on how to handle them in the free open-source mathematics software system SageMath.

Abstract:    TBA

Abstract: Wang’s algorithm is a classical method for (partially) solving the emptiness problem of a subshift of finite type. We look at various generalizations of this idea, such as semilinear sets, automatic configurations and finitely-generated groups. We also discuss the limits of such methods, as well as practical implementations.

Abstract: A point set in Euclidean space is called Delone if it is uniformly discrete and relatively dense. These sets are always infinite and discrete, with examples ranging from perfectly ordered lattices through aperiodic configurations to randomly disordered sets. A natural question concerns the intermediate behaviour: given a non-lattice Delone set, in what ways is it still « equivalent » to a lattice? The course offers a survey on Bounded displacement (BD) and biLipschitz (BL) equivalence relations on Delone sets, covering fundamental results and equivalence criteria. Discrepancy estimates play an important role, providing a measure of how well a discrete point set approximates a given volume. Through a blend of theory and examples, the course aims to equip participants with a robust understanding of how discrepancy, BD, and BL equivalence interact, highlighting recent advances on sets arising from cut-and-project schemes and aperiodic substitution tilings.