Cycles on moduli spaces
Cycles sur les espaces de modules

17 – 21 November, 2025


Scientific Committee 
Comité scientifique 

Gavril Farkas (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Radu Laza (Stony Brook University)
Alina Marian (International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zürich)

Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation

Ignacio Barros (University of Antwerp)
Ana-Maria Castravet (Université de Versailles)
Laure Flapan (Michigan State University)
Dragos Oprea (UC San Diego)


IMPORTANT WARNING:  Scam / Phishing / SMiShing ! Note that ill-intentioned people may be trying to contact some of participants by email or phone to get money and personal details, by pretending to be part of the staff of our conference center (CIRM).  CIRM and the organizers will NEVER contact you by phone on this issue and will NEVER ask you to pay for accommodation/ board / possible registration fee in advance. Any due payment will be taken onsite at CIRM during your stay.

The interplay between the algebraic, differential, and topological natures of a variety is largely governed by the structure of cycles on the variety. Moduli spaces play a central role in modern geometry and the study of their cycle structures is an incredibly rich subject that has seen major advances in recent years. The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers studying cycles on moduli spaces from various perspectives.
The conference will focus on recent contributions to the study of both their algebraic and topological cycle structures with techniques arising from enumerative geometry, Hodge theory, derived categories, and representation theory.

L’interaction entre les aspects algébriques, différentielles et topologiques d’une variété est largement régie par la structure des cycles sur la variété. Les espaces de modules jouent un rôle central dans la géométrie moderne et l’étude de leurs structures de cycle est un sujet incroyablement riche qui a connu des avancées majeures ces dernières années.
L’objectif de cette conférence est de rassembler des chercheurs étudiant les cycles sur les espaces de modules sous diverses perspectives. La conférence se concentrera sur les contributions récentes à l’étude de leurs structures de cycles algébriques et topologiques avec des techniques issues de la géométrie énumérative, de la théorie de Hodge, des catégories dérivées et de la théorie des représentations.



Jan Henrik Bruinier (TU Darmstadt)
Samir Canning (ETH Zürich)
Gavril Farkas (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Luis Garcia (University College London)
François Greer (Michigan State University)
Samuel Grushevsky (Stony Brook University)
Paul Kiefer (University of Antwerp)
Radu Laza (University of Stony Brook)
Alina Marian (Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Emanuele Macri (Université Paris-Saclay)
Rahul Pandharipande (ETH Zürich)
Sam Payne (University of Texas at Austin)
Carolina Tamborini (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Sara Torelli (Università degli studi di Torino)
Salim Tayou (Dartmouth College)
Charles Vial (Universität Bielefeld)
Claire Voisin (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris rive gauche)
Qizheng Yin (BICMR, Peking University)
Riccardo Zuffetti (TU Darmstadt)
Dimitri Zvonkine (CNRS, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)