Processes on Graphs and Maps days
Journées de l’ANR Processus sur Graphes et Cartes

11 – 15 November, 2024


Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation

Eleanor Archer (Université Paris Nanterre)
Laurent Menard (Université Paris Nanterre)

IMPORTANT WARNING:  Scam / Phishing / SMiShing ! Note that ill-intentioned people may be trying to contact some of participants by email or phone to get money and personal details, by pretending to be part of the staff of our conference center (CIRM).  CIRM and the organizers will NEVER contact you by phone on this issue and will NEVER ask you to pay for accommodation/ board / possible registration fee in advance. Any due payment will be taken onsite at CIRM during your stay.

The study of random graphs and random planar maps has been an attractive and fruitful field of research in the last decades, with contributions coming from various communities, including probabilists, combinatorists and theoretical physicists. While the geometric properties of  these discrete structures are still being actively investigated, the study of random processes on these objects has received an increasing interest and spectacular progress has been made in the recent years. This meeting will gather experts from various fileds. The goal will be to discuss recent progress and open questions on the topic of random processes on random discrete structures, with an emphasis on exploration algorithms, matching procedures, random walks, percolation models and interacting particle systems.

L’étude des graphes aléatoires et des cartes planaires est devenu un champ de recherche extrêmement fécond et très attractif, avec des contributions venant de plusieurs communautés, notamment des probabilistes, combinatoriciens, et physiciens théoriciens. Alors que les propriétés géométriques de ces structures discrètes sont encore activement étudiées, l’étude de processus aléatoires sur ces objets a reçu ces dernières années un intérêt croissant et des progrès spectaculaires ont été faits.
La conférence aura pour but de rassembler des experts de profils variés, et favorisera les discussions sur les questions ouvertes et dernières avancées marquantes sur le sujet, avec un intérêt particulier pour les algorithmes de recherche, les algorithmes de mariage, les modèles de percolation, et des systèmes de particules en interaction.


To be announced