Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation
David Gay (University of Georgia)
Delphine Moussard (Université d’Aix-Marseille)

IMPORTANT WARNING: Scam / Phishing / SMiShing ! Note that ill-intentioned people may be trying to contact some of participants by email or phone to get money and personal details, by pretending to be part of the staff of our conference center (CIRM). CIRM and the organizers will NEVER contact you by phone on this issue and will NEVER ask you to pay for accommodation/ board / possible registration fee in advance. Any due payment will be taken onsite at CIRM during your stay.
This workshop aims at bringing together mostly young researchers to spend one week studying the topic of symplectic structures and trisections. Following is a draft list of topics for 16 talks, which will of course be adapted to current trends closer to the actual event.
- Symplectic vector spaces
- Definitions of symplectic and contact structures, and basic examples.
- Submanifolds: Lagrangian and Legendrian.
- Review of handle decompositions in smooth topology.
- Weinstein manifolds and Stein surfaces via handles.
- The symplectic geometry of the complex projective plane.
- The moment map for the complex projective plane.
- “Four dimensions from two in symplectic geometry”, following Symington.
- Trisections of smooth 4–manifolds.
- Stein trisections part 1.
- Stein trisections part 2.
- Bridge trisections of surfaces in 4–manifolds.
- Grid diagrams and Lagrangians part 1.
- Grid diagrams and Lagrangians part 2.
- Symplectic surfaces and the symplectic isotopy problem.
- Bridge trisections of complex algebraic curves.