Enumerative combinatorics and effective aspects of differential equations
Combinatoire énumérative et aspects effectifs des équations différentielles
24 – 28 February, 2025

Scientific Committee
Comité scientifique
Alin Bostan (Ecole Polytechnique)
Mireille Bousquet- Mélou (Université de Bordeaux)
Charlotte Hardouin (Université de Toulouse)
Mark van Hoeij (Florida State University)
Evelyne Hubert (Université de Nice)
Killian Raschel (Université Angers)
Bruno Salvy (Université de Lyon)
Lucia di Vizio (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines)
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation
Jehanne Dousse (Université de Genève)
Stephen Melczer (Waterloo University)
Marc Mezzarobba (Ecole Polytechnique)
Guillaume Rond (Aix-Marseille Université)
This conference will focus on enumerative combinatorics and effective properties of differential and functional equations. In enumerative combinatorics one studies discrete structures usually encoded in power series called generating functions. These generating functions satisfy some equations depending on the context. These may be algebraic equations, differential equations, difference equations, Mahler equations, or more general functional equations.
Some problems require to search for the equations satisfied by such a generating function. On the other hand, once the equation satisfied by the generating equation is known, some problems require to find the nature of the series: is it an algebraic series, a D-finite series, an algebraically differential series?
The conference will explore these topics, in particular in relation with the topics of the previous week. There will be introductory courses for non-specialists.
Tamara Grava (SISSA) Enumeration results from random matrix theory
Carsten Schneider (Johannes Kepler University Linz) Summation theory of difference rings and applications
Michael Wallner (TU Wien) Bivariate Linear Recurrences in Enumeration – Asymptotics and Application
Jacques-Arthur Weil (Université de Limoges) Algorithmic ideas and tools for algebraicity or transcendence of D-finite functions
Manfred Buchacher (Johannes Kepler University of Linz) Separated variables on plane algebraic curves
Ariane Carrance (University of Vienna) A powerful differential equation for Ising-decorated maps in arbitrary genus
Thomas Cluzeau (Université de Limoges) Polynomial solutions of linear integro-differential systems and coherence of the ring of linear integro-differential operators
Baptiste Louf (CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux) Counting With Random Walks
Marni Mishna (Simon Fraser University) Differential transcendence and walks on self-similar graphs
Sarah Selkirk (University of Klagenfurt) Lattice Paths with Flexible Boundaries: Patterns, Automata, and Counting
Sofia Tarricone (CEA SAclay) Distance in planar maps via orthogonal polynomials
Bertrand Teguia Tabuguia (University of Oxford) Hypergeometric-type solutions of holonomic equations