Umamaheswaran Arunachalam (SASTRA University, India)
Participate in the CIMPA-ICTP online course
The course will be given in English on zoom.
This is a recurrent meeting, so please register only once for all 4 sessions:
Lien Zoom :–
The course will take place on the following days (Paris time zone):
- Monday 4 November : 2pm – 4pm
- Tuesday 5 November : 2pm – 4pm
- Wednesday 6 November: 2pm – 4pm
- Thursday 7 November: 2pm – 4pm
Abstract: This course will cover the introduction of Tate-Hochschild homology and cohomology of modules with examples. Also it will cover the introduction and the survey of Fomin and Zelevinsky’s theory of cluster algebras. It is one of the most important recent developments of algebraic combinatorics. Cluster algebras are a class of combinatorially defined commutative rings that provide a unifying structure for phenomena in a variety of algebraic and geometric contexts.