CIMPA-ICTP Fellowships "Research in Pairs"
Theory of Partial Differential Equations
27 – 30 May, 2024

Yusuf Abdulhakeem (Federal University of Technology Minna, Nigeria)
Participate in the CIMPA-ICTP online course
The course will be given in English on zoom.
This is a recurrent meeting, so please register only once for all 4 sessions:
The course will take place on the following days (Paris time zone):
- Monday 27 May: 2pm – 4pm
- Tuesday 28 May: 2pm – 4pm
- Wednesday 29 May: 2pm – 4pm
- Thursday 30 May: 2pm – 4pm
Abstract: Partial differential equation is an equation containing an unknown function of two or more variables and its partial derivatives with respect to these variables. PDEs are used to mathematically formulate and thus aid the solution of physical and other problems involving functions of several variables, such as heat and sound propagation, fluid flow, elasticity, electrostatics etc. The present course on PDE is broadly divided into four sections, namely: First order partial differential equations, partial differential equations of second and higher orders, second – order differential equations II, boundary value problems. Examples are given where necessary in each section to further illustrate the concepts. The course covers from simple to complex analogies in order to carry a larger audience.
Please note that the CIMPA/ICTP courses will be recorded and broadcasted on our Youtube channel « CIMPA Math » and on