Scientific Committee & Organizing Committee
Comité scientifique & Comité d’organisation
Laurent Chevillard (CNRS, ENS Lyon)
Pierre-Philippe Cortet (CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay)
Nicolas Mordant (Université Grenoble Alpes)
Laure Saint-Raymond (IHES & ENS Lyon)
Jalal Shatah (Courant Institute, New York University)

IMPORTANT WARNING: Scam / Phishing / SMiShing ! Note that ill-intentioned people may be trying to contact some of participants by email or phone to get money and personal details, by pretending to be part of the staff of our conference center (CIRM). CIRM and the organizers will NEVER contact you by phone on this issue and will NEVER ask you to pay for accommodation/ board / possible registration fee in advance. Any due payment will be taken onsite at CIRM during your stay.
The school will introduce participants to several hot research topics at the frontier between geophysical fluid dynamics, fundamental physics and mathematics. The main themes will be spontaneous stochasticity, waves in geophysical and astrophysical fluids and fundamental challenges in hydrodynamic and wave turbulence. The school will consist of several lecture series, plus a number of research seminars, covering mathematical, theoretical and experimental aspects. The school is organized in the framework of an international collaboration which started in 2019 and which is financially supported by the Simons Foundation ( This “Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence” brings together physicists and mathematicians with the aim of addressing fundamental questions about the Wave Turbulence theory and its applicability to real systems and especially to the Earth climate system.
The school is aimed at PhD students, post-docs and experienced researchers.
L’école initiera les participants à plusieurs sujets de recherche particulièrement actifs à la frontière entre la dynamique des fluides géophysiques, la physique fondamentale et les mathématiques. Les thèmes principaux seront la stochasticité spontanée, les ondes dans les fluides géophysiques et astrophysiques et les défis fondamentaux en turbulence hydrodynamique et en turbulence d’ondes. L’école consistera en plusieurs séries de cours, complétées de quelques séminaires de recherche, couvrant les aspects mathématiques, théoriques et expérimentaux.
L’école est organisée dans le cadre d’une collaboration internationale qui a débuté en 2019 et qui est soutenue financièrement par la Fondation Simons ( Cette « Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence » réunit des physiciens et des mathématiciens autour des questions fondamentales sur la théorie de la turbulence d’ondes et de son applicabilité aux systèmes réels et notamment au système climatique terrestre.
L’école est destinée aux doctorants, post-doctorants et chercheurs confirmés.
Scott Armstrong (New York University) & Vlad Vicol (New York University) On anomalous diffusion (4 x 1h30)
Anne-Laure Dalibard (Sorbonne Université) Instabilities and singularities within fluid boundary layers (3 x 1h30)
Gregory Eyink (The Johns Hopkins University) Spontaneous stochasticity in fluid turbulence (3 x 1h30)
Basile Gallet (CEA Saclay) and Giorgio Krstulovic (CNRS, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur) Wave-wave and wave-mean-flow interactions in rotating stratified flows (4 x 1h30)
This school is supported by the Simons Foundation in the framework of the “Simons Collaboration on Wave Turbulence”.