CIMPA-ICTP Fellowships "Research in Pairs"
Ak-Method and Transversality condition
24 – 28 July, 2023 CANCELLED
The course is suitable for the M.Sc students working on their thesis and for Ph.D student. The content of this mini course is:
1. Absolutely continuous measure (1 hour),
2. Anosov-Katok method and extreme examples in dynamic (3 hours),
2. One dimensional transversality condition (2 hours),
4. Why Transversality condition implies the existence of ACIP (3 hours),
The references are:
- Y K. Oliveira and M. Viana, Foundation of ergodic theory, Cambridge University Press. February 2016.
- Y M. Tsujii, Fat solenoidal attractors, Nonlinearity, 14, (2001),1011-1027.
- Y B. Fayad and A. Katok Constructions in elliptic dynamics Ergod. The. Dynam. Syst., 24, (2004), 1477-1520.
Supplementary information about the course:
- Y Research area: Dynamical Systems,
- Y MSC: 37XX,
- Y Keywords: Attractor, Transversality, ACIP.