Scientific Committee
Comité scientifique
Hiraku Nakajima (IPMU Tokyo)
Vera Serganova (University of California Berkeley)
Peng Shan (Tsinghua University, Beijing)
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation
Drazen Adamovic (University of Zagreb)
Tomoyuki Arakawa (Kyoto University)
Anne Moreau (Université Paris-Saclay)
Nils Scheithauer (Technical University of Darmstadt)
The goal of the conference is to explore connections between vertex algebras, geometric representation theory and the representation theory of quantum groups. The equivariant geometry of loop spaces of flag manifolds is essentially the same as that of affine Grassmannians which are the building blocks of the Coulomb branch of 3-dimensional gauge theories. This is one of the links between vertex algebras and geometric representation theory. Quantum groups are related to the representation theory of logarithmic vertex algebras, affine vertex algebras and $W$-algebras. It is expected that they are also connected to non $C_2$-cofinite vertex algebras and to higher rank logarithmic vertex algebras. Other subjects that will be covered are 4D/2D duality and conformal embeddings.
Léa Bittmann (Université de Strasbourg) Applications of quantum affine Schur-Weyl duality
Dylan Butson (University of Oxford) Vertex algebras from divisors on Calabi-Yau threefolds
Xuanzhong Dai (Kyoto University) Chiral differential operators over G/U and associated variety
Gurbir Dhillon (Yale University) Highest weight representations of W-algebras
Jethro van Ekeren (IMPA) Chiral homology and extensions
Maria Gorelik (The Weizmann Institute of Science) On admissibility over Lie superalgebras
Reimundo Heluani (IMPA) Basic complex for vertex algebra cohomology
David Hernandez (IMJ-PRG, Université Paris Cité) Deformed W-algebras and representations of quantized Coulomb branches
Thibault Juillard (Université Paris Saclay) Reduction by stages for W-algebras
Anna Lachowska (EPFL) Hochschild cohomology of the small quantum group and beyond
Simon Lentner (University Hamburg) Categorical structures appearing in conformal field theory
Sven Möller (University of Hamburg) Quiver Vertex Algebras
Fyodor Malikov (University of Southern California) Homotopy Chiral algebras
Hiraku Nakajima (Kavli iPMU, University of Tokyo) Comments on Skein Algebras and Quantized Coulomb branches by Allegretti and Shan
Paolo Papi (Sapienza University of Rome) Unitary representations of minimal W-algebras
Vera Serganova (University of California, Berkeley) Odd nilpotent cone for Lie superalgebras
Peng Shan (Tsinghua University) On correspondences between representations of simple affine vertex algebras at elliptic levels and affine Springer fibres
Lewis Topley (University of Bath) Shifted twisted Yangians and non-rectangular finite W-algebras
Eric Vasserot (Université Paris Cité) Cohomological Hall algebras of quivers and Yangians
Ivana Vukorepa (University of Zagreb) Classification of irreducible modules for the affine vertex algebra L_{-(2n+1)/2}(sl(2n)) in certain categories
Janik Wilhelm (Technical University of Darmstadt) Reflective modular varieties and their cusps