Scientific Committee
Comité scientifique
Matthias Birkner (Johannes-Gutenberg University Mainz)
Alison Etheridge (Univerity of Oxford)
Steve Evans (University of California at Berkeley)
Sylvie Méléard (École polytechnique)
John Wakeley (Harvard University)
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation
Amaury Lambert (ENS Paris)
Peter Pfaffelhuber (Univeristy of Freiburg)
Amandine Veber (CNRS, Université de Paris)
Guillaume Achaz (Université Paris-Cité & Collège de France) Weak genetic draft and the Lewontin’s paradox
Mathilde André (Collège de France & University of Vienna) Genealogies in multitype frequency-dependent branching processes via spinal decomposition
Florence Bansept (Aix-Marseille Université) How does intermittent feeding shape the gut microbiome?
Jochen Blath (Goethe University Frankfurt) Dormancy in population genetics and beyond – recent progress and open challenges
Florin Boenkost (University of Vienna) Dust solutions and the nested Kingman coalescent
Vianney Brouard (ENS de Lyon) Genetic composition of supercritical branching populations under power law mutation rates
Camille Coron (Université Paris-Saclay) Condensation in the Kingman house-of-cards model with periodic environment
Philibert Courau (Collège de France & University of Vienna) The gene’s eye-view of quantitative genetics
Colin Desmarais (University of Vienna) A branching random walk with noisy selection
Raphael Eichhorn (Goethe University Frankfurt) On a neutral host-virus model with applications to HCMV
Manuel Esser (University of Bonn) Fitness valleys and multi-scale analysis in changing environment
Raphaël Forien (INRAE Avignon) Demographic inference for spatially heterogeneous populations using long shared haplotypes
Félix Foutel-Rodier (University of Oxford) Emergence of multiple mergers in structured populations and semi-pushed fronts
Maria Gamboa Pérez (Complutense University of Madrid) Assessing the feasibility of a re-vaccination program when considering an imperfect vaccine under a Markovian approach
Adrian Gonzalez Casanova (University of California at Berkeley & UNAM Mexico) The Seed-Bank Random Graph
Carola Sophia Heinzel (University of Freiburg) Flat Likelihoods in the Admixture Model
Patrick Hoscheit (INRAE) Allele Frequency Spectra for Stationary Branching Processes
Thomas Hughes (University of Bath) Interface evolution in bistable spatial models in population genetics: a global approach
Sophie Kersting (University of Greifswald) Testing evolutionary models – Which tree balance index is the most powerful?
Anna Kraut (University of Minnesota) A multi-scale model for DNA methylation
Jan Lukas Igelbrink (GU Frankfurt & JGU Mainz) Ancestral reproductive bias in continuous time branching trees under various sampling schemes
Dave Jacobi (TU Berlin) On/Off super-Brownian motion and its relatives
Apolline Louvet (TU Munich) Dormancy in urban environments
Joao Luiz de Oliveira Madeira (University of Bath) Functional law of large numbers for a spatial model of the Muller’s ratchet
Loïc Marrec (University of Bern) Evolutionary rescue in a changing environment
Guillaume Martin (CNRS Université de Montpellier) Epistasis and fitness distributions within and between large asexual populations
Sophia-Marie Mellis (Bielefeld University) Coalescents with Migration in the Moderate Regime
Simon Myers (University of Oxford) Seeing the forest from the trees: leveraging genealogies to understand evolutionary forces
Sarah Penington (University of Bath) Gaussian waves in BBM with mean-dependent branching
Berk Perçin (University of Bologna) Solution of F-KPP Equation Using Chemical Diffusion Master Equation of A Branching Brownian Motion
Cornelia Pokalyuk (Goethe University Frankfurt) On the spread of an infection in a host population distributed on Z with host immunity
Emmanuel Schertzer (University of Vienna)
Jason Schweinsberg (U of California San Diego) Speciation induced by dormancy in a model with changing environment
Yubo Shuai (University of California, San Diego) Asymptotics for the site frequency spectrum associated with the genealogy of a birth and death process
Charline Smadi (Université Grenoble Alpes) Quasi-equilibria and click times for Muller’s ratchet with (binary) tournament selection
Zsofia Talyigas (University of Vienna) Different behaviours of the N-particle branching random walk
Nantawat Udomchatpitak (Mahidol University) The Accumulation of Beneficial Mutations and Convergence to a Poisson Process
John Wakeley (University of Harvard) Accounting for pedigrees in models of ancestral genetic processes
Bastian Wiederhold (University of Oxford) Interpreting spatial central limit theorems as the asymptotic behavior of two ancestral lineages
Maite Wilke Berenguer (Humboldt University of Berlin) Ξ-coalescents arising from structured populations undergoing bottlenecks