Renormalization and Visualization in Geometry, Dynamics and Number Theory
Renormalisation et visualisation en géométrie, dynamique et théorie des nombres
4 – 8 December 2023
Scientific Committee
Comité scientifique
Pierre Arnoux (Aix-Marseille Université)
Laura DeMarco (Harvard University)
Richard Evan Schwartz (Brown University)
Elise Goujard (Maitre de conferences – Université de Bordeaux)
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation
Pierre Arnoux (Aix-Marseille Université)
Jayadev Athreya (University of Washington)
Nicolas Bédaride (Aix-Marseille Université)
Laura DeMarco (Harvard University)
Elise Goujard (Université de Bordeaux)
The main conference will focus on renormalization in dynamics, geometry, and number theory. In many areas of dynamics and geometry, the ideas of renormalization and self-similarity play a crucial role. These ideas involve rescaling dynamical or geometric phenomenon to observe behaviors at multiple scales.
In this conference we will focus on the following problems:
- Geometric models of digit algorithms
- Symbolic models of unipotent dynamics
- Renormalization in Interval exchanges and dynamical systems
- Number theory and circle and sphere packings
Valérie Berthé (Université de Paris) Renormalisation via continued fractions in symbolic dynamics
Serge Cantat (Université de Rennes) The Farfalle Mystery (Le mystère de la farfalle)
Federica Fanoni (CNRS, Université Paris-Est Créteil) Classification of mapping classes of infinite-type surfaces
Elena Fuchs (University of California, Davis) Connectivity of Markoff mod-p graphs
Vaibhav Gadre (University of Glasgow) The Teichmuller flow on a component of an abelian/quadratic stratum detects its fundamental group
Elise Goujard (Université de Bordeaux)
Pascal Hubert (CIRM) On Novikov’s problem for foliations of surfaces and interval exchange transformations with flips
Erwan Lanneau (Université de Grenoble) Minimum expansion factors of orientation-reversing pseudo-Anosov maps
Baptiste Louf (Université de Bordeaux) Combinatorial maps and hyperbolic surfaces in high genus
Jens Markloff (University of Bristol) Statistics of directions, from geometry to number theory
Curtis T McMullen (University of Harvard) Billiards and number theory
Hugo Parlier (University of Luxembourg) Beyond simple curves
Bram Petri (Sorbonne Université) Linear programming bounds for hyperbolic surfaces
Anja Randecker (Heidelberg University) The realization problem for Veech groups
John Smilie (University of Warwick) Polygonal billiards and renormalisation
Serge Troubetzkoy (Aix-Marseille Université) On the complexity of polygonal billiards
Yilin Wang (IHES) Shear coordinates of Weil-Petersson circle homeomorphisms