SIMulation ALéatoires en dimension INfinie
Random Simulations in Infinite Dimension

3 – 6 November 2020

This workshop, part of SIMALIN project, is sponsored by the ANR funding of Ludovic Goudenège.
The objective of this project is to go beyond the current state of the art in the numerical analysis and simulation of SPDE models.
The team will consider several aspects:
analysis of convergence, error estimates;
long-time behavior;
design of new schemes;
variance reduction;
implementation, tests, and validation.

Some invited people will join the SIMALIN team during this workshop.

Caroline Bauzet
Sébastien Boyaval (à confirmer)
Charles-Edouard Bréhier
Julia Charrier
Jad Doghman
Ludovic Goudenège
Guillaume Joslin
Shmuel Rakotonirina
Julien Reygner (à confirmer)
Alexandre Richard
Laurent Series