Modern Analysis Related to Root Systems with Applications
Analyse moderne liée aux systèmes de racines avec applications
18 – 22 October, 2021
Scientific Committee
Comité scientifique Charles Dunkl (University of Virginia) |
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation Jean-Philippe Anker (Université d’Orléans) |
The topic of this workshop entitled Modern analysis related to root systems with applications, which emerged from harmonic analysis and the theory of symmetric spaces, has rapidly developed since the eighties by the invention of the framework of Dunkl operators and Macdonald–Cherednik theory.
Unifying a nalytic and algebraic aspects, this framework opens up a rich area of analysis beyond the geometric context of symmetric spaces and provides the « true » setting for interesting questions of harmonic analysis related to important classes of multivariable special functions. A huge part of the ongoing motivation for this highly diversified field stems from applications in mathematical physics, such as quantum integrable systems and quantum algebras, but there are also close interrelations to random matrix theory and related stochastic processes.The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from various areas, both theoretical and applied, who are working in fields related to the analysis on root systems. It shall stimulate interactions and open new perspectives for future research. |
Le thème de cette conférence intitulée Analyse moderne liée aux systèmes de racines avec applications, issu de l’analyse harmonique et de la théorie des espaces symétriques, s’est rapidement développé depuis les années quatre–vingt grâce à l’invention du cadre des opérateurs de Dunkl et de la théorie de Macdonald–Cherednik.
Unifiant les aspect s analytiques et algébriques, ce cadre ouvre un vaste domaine d’analyse au–delà du contexte géométrique des espaces symétriques et fournit le « véritable » cadre pour des questions intéressantes d’analyse harmonique liées à des classes importantes de fonctions spéciales à plusieurs variables.Une grande partie de la motivation actuelle pour ce domaine très diversifi é provient des applications provenant de la physique mathématique, comme les systèmes quantiques intégrables et les algèbres quantiques, mais il existe également des interrelations étroites avec la théorie des matrices aléatoires et les processus stochastiques associés.Le but de cette conférence est de réunir des chercheurs de divers domaines, à la fois théoriques et appliqués, qui travaillent dans des domaines liés à l’analyse des systèmes de racines. Elle stimulera les interactions entre eux et ouvrira de nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche future. |
Sergio Andraus (Chuo University) Dunkl processes – freezing, jumps and collisions
Pascal Baseilhac (Université de Tours) The Heun-Askey-Wilson algebra, operator, and the algebraic Bethe ansatz
Dominik Brennecken (University of Paderborn) Laplace transform of hypergeometric functions and Zeta distributions in the Dunkl setting
Oleg Chalykh (University of Leeds) Twisted Ruijsenaars model
Ivan Corwin (Columbia University) Stationary measure for the open KPZ equation
Hendrik de Bie (Ghent University) The role of the simplex in Dunkl theory
Hadewijch De Clercq (Ghent University) Serre presentation for quantum symmetric pair coideals of Kac-Moody type
Charles Dunkl (University of Virginia) Nonsymmetric Jack and Macdonald superpolynomials
Jacek Dziubanski (Wroclaw University) Selected results in real harmonic analysis in the rational Dunkl setting
Pritam Ganguly (Indian Institute of Science) On the decay of spectral projections associated to certain elliptic differential operators
Vadim Gorin (University of Wisonsin-Madison) Addition of matrices at high and low temperatures
Stephen Griffeth (University of Talca) Representation-valued Dunkl eigenfunctions
Wolter Groenevelt (Delft University of Technology) Stochastic self-duality from quantum algebra representations
Martin Hallnäs (Chalmers University of Technology) From Kajihara’s transformation formula to deformed Macdonald–Ruijsenaars and Noumi–Sano operators
Agnieszka Hejna (University of Wrocław) Dunkl-Schrödinger operators with reverse Hölder class potentials in the Dunkl setting
Kilian Hermann (Tu Dortmund) On ß-ensembles for large ß and high dimensions
Evelyne Hubert (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Sparse Interpolation in Terms of Multivariate Chebyshev Polynomials
Nicole Hufnagel (Technical University of Dortmund) Hausdorff dimension of collision times for the multivariate Bessel process
Makoto Katori (Chuo University) Orthonormal theta functions associated with affine root systems and determinantal point processes
Erik Koelink (Radboud University) Matrix spherical functions and matrix orthogonal polynomials related to BC_2
Tom Koornwinder (University of Amsterdam) A nonsymmetric version of Okounkov’s BC-type interpolation Macdonald polynomials
Tomasz Luks (Paderborn university) On fractional powers of the Dunkl Laplacian
Jacek Malecki (Politechnika Wroclaw) Stochastic particle systems and related empirical measures
Tobias Metzlaff (INRIA Sophia Antipolis) Regions of orthogonality of generalized Chebyshev polynomials as semi-algebraic set
E. K. Narayanan (Indian Institute of Science) Hypergeometric functions of type BC and standard multiplicities
Hiroyuki Ochiai (Kyushu University) Orbits on the double flag varieties and quiver representations
Gestur Olafsson (Louisiana State University) Some properties of the Macdonald kernel and the Laplace transform of Jack Polynomials
Effie Papageorgiou (University of Crete) Oscillating multipliers on noncompact symmetric and locally symmetric spaces
Pawel Plewa (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) Hardy’s inequality in perspective of root systems
Loïc Poulain d’Andecy (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne) The diagonal centraliser of sl(3) and its E6-symmetry
Bertrand Rémy (Ecole polytechnique) Martin compactifications of affine buildings I (groups, geometry and classical compactifications)
Siddhartha Sahi (Rutgers University) Quasi-polynomial representations of double affine Hecke algebras and a generalization of Macdonald polynomials
Nobukazu Shimeno (Kwansei Gakuin University) Hypergeometric Fourier transform associated with a root system of type BC
Tomasz Skalski (Wroclaw University of Science and Techno) Root systems in modern statistics
Jasper Stokman (University of
Amsterdam) n-point spherical functions and reflection equations
Yi Sun (University of Chicago) Gaussian fluctuations for products of random matrices
Sundaram Thangavelu (Indian Institute of Science) On a theorem of Chernoff with applications to Ingham’s uncertainty principle
Bartosz Trojan (PAN Poland) Martin compactifications of affine buildings II
Jeannette Woerner (Technical University of Dortmund) Limit theorems for Bessel and Dunkl processes of large dimensions
Hong-Wei Zhang (Ghent University) Dispersive equations on noncompact symmetric spaces