Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution – MPDEE21
Dynamique de populations, écologie et évolution
26 – 30 April 2021
Organizing Committee
Comité d’organisation Sergei Petrovskii (University of Leicester) |
This conference aims to bring mathematicians interested in applications in ecology and evolution together. This field is increasing very fast, the conference will allow to present some overview on new applications with plenary speakers (2 per day) and to present different research results with short talks (1/2 hour each). Some discussion sessions will allow to initiate or enhance collaborations.
The MPDEE-21 program will consist of plenary talks and contributed talks (30 minutes) and a poster session. The presentations are expected to be mostly grouped around the above subject areas. However, we will be ready and willing to consider any submission of a potentially high scientific merit which does not exactly fall into the list of topics proposed in the Scientific Content section. |
Cette conférence vise à rassembler des chercheurs mathématiciens intéressés par les applications en écologie et évolution. Ces domaines de recherche s’élargissent très rapidement, la conférence permettra de faire le point sur certaines applications nouvelles avec des conférences plénières (2 par jour, 1h chacune) et de présenter des résultats de recherche à travers des exposés plus courts (1/2h chacun). Des sessions de discussions seront également organisées pour permettre d’initier ou de renforcer des collaborations.
Le programme de la conférence MPDEE-21 consistera en des conférences plénières et des exposés courts, et deux sessions de posters. Les présentations seront regroupées par thèmes. Cependant, nous seront prêts à considérer toute soumission d’une contribution prometteuse et originale qui n’est pas dans la liste des thèmes prédéfinis. |
Plenary Speakers
Dr. Ellen Baake Phylogeny and population genetics: The mutation process on the ancestral line
Dr. Ludek Berec Ecology and evolution of sterilizing infections: roles of mating and fecundity-longevity trade-off
Dr. Donald de Angelis Population Carrying Capacity of Heterogeneous and Temporally Periodic Systems
Dr. Alan Hastings Transients and the dynamics of ecological systems
Dr. Frank Hilker Threshold-based harvest strategies in discrete-time population models
Dr. Eva Kisdi Evolutionary escape and evolutionary suicide in host-pathogen evolution
Dr. Andrei Morozov Modelling phage-mediated control of pathogenic bacteria: recent advances and remaining challenges
Dr. Natalia Petrovskaya Grey Slug and Blue Bear: Towards the development of more accurate monitoring and control protocols for slug populations in arable fields
Dr. Sergei Petrovskii Pattern formation, travelling waves and long transients in social and demographic systems