July 20 – August 28, 2015
Initiated by Yvon Maday and Frédéric Coquel in 1996, the CEMRACS (French acronym for « Summer Mathematical Research Center on Scientific Computing and Its Applications ») brings together each year researchers from the academic and industrial communities working on scientific computing and applied mathematics. The event consists in two parts: during the first week a summer school is organized; the remaining five weeks are dedicated to work on research projects, after a daily morning seminar.
CEMRACS 2015 « Fluids & Co » will take place between July 20th and August 28th and will focus on the « Coupling of multi-physics models involving fluids». The main themes are the modeling and simulation of: ⁃ physiological flows, including multi-scale aspects (e.g. blood rheology, red blood cells, interaction with the vessel wall etc.) ⁃ aquatic living systems, seabed and paralic ecosystems, in environments such as lagoons, estuaries, bays ⁃ morphodynamics of continental, coastal and deep sea areas ⁃ fluid-structure and fluid-gas interactions, including elastic cell membranes interacting with a fluid, Leidenfrost effect, ebullition crisis. Numerous scientific communities (industrials or public) have to face one of these complex challenges and some answers to their questions can be obtained by numerical simulations. The goal is to represent a meeting point for researchers from different communities who can fruitfully bring their expertise in the modeling, analysis and simulation of these complex phenomena, involving the coupling of a fluid with a different media. During the first week, the accent is on the fluid coupling in life science, whereas in the second part, the projects aim to tackle a broader spectrum of applications related to the multi-physics coupling involving fluids. |
Scientific & Organizing Committee
Emmanuel Frenod (Université de Bretagne-Sud) Speakers Didier Bresch (Université Savoie Mont Blanc) |