Categories in Homotopy Theory and Rewriting
September 25 – 29, 2017

Categorical methods and in particular higher categories are becoming more and more central to a broad range of fields of mathematics. The goal of this meeting is to bring together mathematicians from various fields around these categorical tools. In particular, the following fields will be represented: homotopy theory, rewriting, higher categories, theoretical computer science, geometric group theory, operads, theoretical physics, homological algebra, homotopy type theory.

Two mini-courses will be given: one, on the occasion of the 30 years of Squier’s Theorem, by Phillipe Malbos on Squier’s theory for monoids and algebras; one, by François Métayer on the homotopy theory of strict omega-categories and its connections with homology of monoids.

A limited number of slots will be available for participants to present
their work related to the conference in short contributed talks.

Scientific Committee

Patrick Dehornoy (Université de Caen Normandie)
Marcelo Fiore (University of Cambridge)
Yves Lafont (Aix-Marseille Université)
Georges Maltsiniotis (Université Paris Diderot)
Ieke Moerdijk (University of Utrecht)

Organizing Committee

Dimitri Ara (Aix-Marseille Université)
Marcelo Fiore (
University of Cambridge)
Yves Guiraud (INRIA & Université Paris Diderot)
Samuel Mimram (École polytechnique)


Philippe Malbos (Université Lyon 1)   Squier’s theory for monoids and algebras
​François Métayer (Université Paris Nanterre)   Homotopy theory of strict omega-categories and its connections with homology of monoids


Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon University)   Type theories and polynomial monads​
Frédéric Chapoton (Université de Strasbourg)   Operads in combinatorics and representation theory​
Pierre-Louis Curien (Université Paris Diderot)   A syntactic approach to polynomial functors, polynomial monads  and opetopes  (pdf)
Yaël Frégier (Université d’Artois)   Physical origin of the BV formalism and shifted symplectic geometry   (pdf)
Stéphane Gaussent (Université Jean Monnet)   Linear rewriting and quiver Hecke algebras​
Simon Henry (Collège de France)   On Grothendieck’s homotopy hypothesis   (pdf)
Éric Hoffbeck (Université Paris 13)   Shuffles of trees​
Martin Hyland (University of Cambridge)   Dialogues between enrichment and homotopy​
André Joyal (Université du Québec à Montréal)   On tribes and federations​
​Joachim Kock (UAB Barcelona) Infinity-operads as polynomial monads
Victoria Lebed (Trinity College Dublin)   Yang-Baxter equation up to homotopy​
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine (Stockholm University)   CwA’s of equivalences / equivalences of CwA’s   (pdf)
Maxime Lucas (Université Paris Diderot)   Normalisation strategies revisited  (pdf)
Viktoriya Ozornova (University of Bonn)   2-Segal sets
Simona Paoli (University of Leicester)   Segal-type models of higher categories​   (pdf)
​Dominic Verity (Macquarie University)   A complicial compendium​  (pdf)
Marek Zawadowski (University of Warsaw)   Positive opetopes with contractions form a test category   (pdf)