The meeting will mark the 30th anniversary of the Paris seminar  « Structures algébriques ordonnées », working without interruption since 1984 at the Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu – Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG).[]

It will be organized around the areas of research that have been central to the seminar activities , namely :

1)  Ordered groups, rings and fields ; real algebra ; valuation theory.
2)  Model-theoretic methods and algorithmic aspects.
3)  Positive polynomials and optimisation.
4)  Real algebraic and analytic geometry ; o-minimality.
5)  Quadratic forms ; abstract spaces of orders ; real semigroups.

It will consist of around 30 plenary talks plus contributed papers sessions.

The general objectives of the meeting are :

— To draw a balance of the seminar’s achievements, and to present promising lines of newer research along a broad spectrum .

— To bring out the mutual interactions among these subjects and report on their applications in various areas of mathematics.

— To offer young researchers working in the above mentioned areas a platform to expose their work.

We plan to publish refereed proceedings including both surveys on by now well established domains and articles reporting on recent advances and work in progress.

The definitive program will be settled by the scientific committee and announced on the websites produced by CIRM and by the Equipe de Logique Mathématique, IMJ-PRG.

All interested people are encouraged to contact the members of the organizing committee & scientific committee.

Scientific Committee

Carlos Andradas (Complutense University of Madrid)
Manfred Knebusch (University of Regensburg)
Victoria Powers (Emory University, Atlanta)
Marie-Françoise Roy (Université Rennes 1)

Organizing Committee

Fabrizio Broglia (University of Pisa)
Françoise Delon (Université Paris Diderot)
Max Dickmann (Université Paris Diderot)
Danielle Gondard (UPMC Paris 6)


Ordered Groups, Real Algebra and Valuations.
E. Becker (Dortmund, Germany), J. Koenigsmann (Oxford, UK),
Franz-Viktor Kuhlmann (Katowice, Poland), A. Pfister (Mainz, Germany),
N. Schwartz (Passau, Germany), M. Spivakovsky (Toulouse), B. Teissier (Paris 7).

Model Theory and Algorithm Topics.
S. Basu (Purdue University, USA), Salma Kuhlmann (Konstanz, Germany),
H. Lombardi (Besançon), D. Perrucci (Buenos Aires, Argentina),
C. Riener (Aalto University, Finland), M. Tressl (Manchester, UK) ,
L. Van den Dries (Urbana, USA).

Quadratic Forms ; Abstract Spaces of Orderings ; Real Semi-groups.
V. Astier (Dublin, Ireland), P. Gladki (Katowice, Poland),
Katarzyna Kuhlmann (Katowice, Poland), F. Miraglia (S. Paulo, Brazil).

Real Algebraic and Analytic Geometry ; O-minimality.
F. Acquistapace (Pisa, Italy), J.F. Fernando (Madrid, Spain), I. Itenberg (UPMC),
Z. Izhakian (Bar Ilan University, Israel), T. Kaiser (Passau, Germany),
J.-P. Rolin (Dijon), T. Servi (Pisa, Italy).

Positive Polynomials and Optimisation.
G. Blekherman (Georgia Tech., USA), T. Netzer (Leipzig, Germany), 
D. Plaumann (Konstanz, Germany), B. Reznick (Urbana, USA),
C. Scheiderer (Konstanz, Germany), K. Schmuedgen (Leipzig, Germany),
M. Schweighofer (Konstanz, Germany), R. Sinn (Georgia Tech., USA).